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Free Live chat softvér pre malé a začínajúce podniky. Vytvoril HelpCrunch

HelpCrunch je všestranná komunikačná platforma pre zákaznícke služby a predaj, vhodná pre webové a mobilné podniky.

Kombinuje moderný živý rozhovor, aplikáciu v aplikácii Messenger, automatické zasielanie správ, predaj vstupeniek a automatizáciu e-mailov.

Služba HelpCrunch je určená pre služby SaaS a webové služby, e-commerce a online-to-offline, pomáha konvertovať návštevníkov webových stránok do zákazníkov, maximalizovať predaj, zvyšovať retenciu a vytvárať verných vzťahov. Viac informácií »

Všetka komunikácia je synchronizovaná prostredníctvom viacerých platforiem a kanálov - mobilných, webových, chatových, e-mailových, sociálnych médií a integrácií tretích strán prostredníctvom jediného online účtu, ktorý vám umožní komunikovať so zákazníkmi všade a jednoducho spravovať interakcie.

Pomocník HelpCrunch umožňuje podnikom komunikovať so zákazníkmi na internete alebo vnútri mobilnej aplikácie, aby poskytovali podporu, zhromažďovali spätnú väzbu a spustili cielené marketingové kampane personalizovaným spôsobom.

HelpCrunch integruje s Wordpress, Magento, Magento 2, GTM, Fluid App, Shopify, Tumblr, SquareSpace, PrestaShop, Jimdo, 3Dcart, SpaceCraft, OpenCart, Bir Cartel, Google Analytics a Slack. Nové integrácie sa pridávajú týždenne.

Alternatívy k HelpCrunch pre Windows, Linux, Android, Iphone a podobne. Filtrovanie podľa licencie a prezri len free alebo open source alternatívne programy. Tento zoznam obsahuje 2 programov podobných ako HelpCrunch.
Softvér na uľahčenie e-mailu Vytvoril Mozilla Corporation

Thunderbird je bezplatný, open-source, multiplatformový e-mail, spravodajca a klient pre zasielanie okamžitých správ. Stratégia projektu je modelovaná podľa Mozilla Firefox.

UserReport je bezplatná online služba, ktorá umožňuje majiteľom webových stránok robiť rýchle a zábavné online ... Vytvoril UserReport

UserReport je bezplatná on-line služba, ktorá umožňuje majiteľom webových stránok robiť rýchle a zábavné online prieskumy a získavať spätnú väzbu používateľov pomocou tlačidla a fóra online spätnej väzby.

Chat Widget
Chat Auto Message to Engage with your visitors/users
Chat Button Settings
Just a fun art from our designer :)
Agent Chat vs Client Chat. How it looks from both sides.
Chat Widget can be fully customized according to you website style.
Chat Localization. We provide default translations to English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, Italian, Polish, German.
Smileys and Emojis to bring life to your customer communication.
Transfer any file via HelpCrunch chat to your customers. Of course they can do the same ;)
Online indication to start the chat proactively with those who are online now on your site or logged in to your product.
Real-time customer data. You can forward your own user attributes via our API, if necessary.
Saved responses to help you answer fast and efficient.
Pre-chat/Offline forms to collect data from your customers before the chat starts or if you're offline.
Tags. Add one more layer of visual data to help you organize customer conversations. Use tags to prioritize customer queries and mark conversations that need special attention.
Stay on top of customer communication when offline or away from your desk! We’ll notify your team via email when a new message stays unanswered for over a few minutes. And with slack, sound and visual browser notifications you can be sure no chat or new message goes unnoticed. Easily set up notifications you want to receive.
Typing Insight. Keep people in chat by letting them see when you're typing. You can disable this option if necessary. Understand if a customer is still with you by seeing his/her typing indication.
Live chat on the web to initiate the first contact with your business prospects, inspire them to become your active users, and highlight the true value of your product.
- Live Chat 2.0
- In-app Messenger
- Auto Messages
- Email Automation
- Ticketing 2.0
Set auto messages to up-sell and cross-sell intelligently with personalized, custom-tailored offers sent as in-app message or by email. Stay personal and deliver the right message at the right time to increase customer engagement and improve conversion rate.
With offline mode you can change all chat widget texts when your team is away and customize an offline greeting that will be shown to all people right after they send you a message. You can also edit your pre-chat form to make it an after-hours form so that it still gathers inquiries from visitors, even if you go offline.
Just an example of how the chat with your customer may look like.
Send custom user attributes to HelpCrunch to create business-specific filters and apply them to set up targeted marketing and feedback collection campaigns.
Whether your team is offline or away from a desk, we’ll notify all agents once a customer message stays unanswered or unresolved for over five minutes.
Customer left your chat conversation before you replied? Shoot immediate email message right from your chat window. You even won't need to search for the customer's email address. All customer data is always right in front of you.
Apply filters to target customers with similar personal profile information and/or in-product activities and send relevant, personalized messages to your selected user segment at once. Send custom user attributes to HelpCrunch to create business-specific filters.
Often, you need to discuss customer issues with other agents or team members, share progress internally, or log your updates for future reference. HelpCrunch lets you add private notes to a chat that are only visible to registered agents within your organization.
Integrate User Authentication Mode with your login system so that all your registered customers automatically appear in your HelpCrunch account. Send your own custom user attributes to HelpCrunch to create business-specific filters and apply them to set up targeted marketing and feedback collection campaigns.
Shared Inbox. It’s easy to stay in context when you talk to customers in one shared inbox.
Send relevant, custom-picked content including product announcements, company news, and special offers via live chat or by email. Provide timely support, ask for feedback and offer loyalty programs to deliver the best customer experience possible and turn happy customers into your brand advocates.
Our chat is very modern, people are all in messengers now and providing a good user experience during the chat is a must for today :)
Automatic and manual statuses allow you to better organize your workflow. You can easily distinguish between new conversations, resolved ones and those that need your attention.
Respond to queries via in-app messenger, track custom data to understand user behavior and set auto messages to educate customers about your product. Understand individual customer needs to facilitate buying decisions at critical moments and encourage users to make a first purchase.
Create a more professional brand-less chatting experience by hiding HelpCrunch branding message from the live chat widget
HelpCrunch je fantastický nástroj pre inboarding, podporu a udržanie vašich používateľov. Používame to na zlepšenie našej počiatočnej skúsenosti na palube (požičiavanie pomocnej ruky v rozhodujúcich krokoch), byť tam pre ...